Sunday, September 26, 2010


Origin:  Montreal, Quebec
Genre:  Metal / Instrumental / Hardcore

Milanku is another metal hardcore band hailing from Montreal. Montreal is another city, like Toronto, that has a very strong and talented indie scene. Milanku is just another example of this.

Milanku plays a similar style as Co-pilot, in that their songs are for the most part instrumental, i.e. void of vocals. They start off with a slow quiet pace and build and build to a heavier louder sound more typical to metal standards. This band is more hardcore than Co-pilot as their songs progress to more heavier thrashing sounds with some traditional metal screaming. Might be a little different at first, but they have produced some amazing songs that blend the best of both extremes.

Check out songs "Sournoisement" and "Masse Synchronisee". I never bothered to check what the titles mean, but who cares when its some kick-ass music.

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